Além da relevância do projeto, acompanhar parte do processo, serviu como base para a execução do cenário, que resultaram em três imensos painéis pintados pelos integrantes do grupo.
Tivemos como desafio, criar uma ambientação para o trabalho a ser realizado no distrito de Vila Curuçá, que fosse ao encontro da montagem proposta por Luciano Gentile.
A Vila Curuçá é o local onde ocorreram os primeiros mutirões da cidade de São Paulo e que são até hoje, motivo de orgulho para os seus moradores.
Luciano Gentile se utiliza desse ambiente para contar a sua história: um mutirão onde a chegada de mais material de construção é motivo para uma grande festa. Em meio à comemoração, acontecem apresentações circenses e um teatro de marionetes transporta os moradores a um universo ficcional em que os dois bonecos "Pedrinho" e "Mouro", disputam o amor da boneca bailarina.
Seguem aqui algumas imagens do trabalho.Cenas da apresentação, imagens do programa e imagens do painel sendo fixado no palco do anfiteatro do Ceu - Vila Curuçá.

The group coletivo 308 had the honor of participating in the month of October, the implementation of the scenario for the Pedrinho's Project - Curuçá Village, a spectacle of the Factories for Culture, at the invitation of director Luciano Gentile.
The program works for Culture, is inspired by the plot Petrouchka, of Igor Stravinsky and choreography by Michel Fokine, to perform ten different mounted with young people in different regions where it operates.
Besides the relevance of the project, monitor the process, served as basis for implementing the scenario, which resulted in three huge panels painted by members of the group colectivo 308.
We had to challenge, create an ambiance for the work to be done in the district of Curuçá, Village which would address the assembly proposed by Luciano Gentile.
The Curuçá Village is the place where the first building collaborative, self management of the city of São Paulo and being up today, a source of pride for its residents.
Luciano Gentile environment that is used to tell her story: an effort where the arrival of more material of construction is a cause for great celebration. Amid the celebration, held presentations circus and a puppet theater in transporting the residents to a fictional universe in which the two dolls "Moor" and "Petrouchka," will the love of the ballerina doll.
Here some images of work:
Scenes from the presentation, program pictures and images of the panel being set on the stage of the amphitheater from Curuçá Village.
The program works for Culture, is inspired by the plot Petrouchka, of Igor Stravinsky and choreography by Michel Fokine, to perform ten different mounted with young people in different regions where it operates.
Besides the relevance of the project, monitor the process, served as basis for implementing the scenario, which resulted in three huge panels painted by members of the group colectivo 308.
We had to challenge, create an ambiance for the work to be done in the district of Curuçá, Village which would address the assembly proposed by Luciano Gentile.
The Curuçá Village is the place where the first building collaborative, self management of the city of São Paulo and being up today, a source of pride for its residents.
Luciano Gentile environment that is used to tell her story: an effort where the arrival of more material of construction is a cause for great celebration. Amid the celebration, held presentations circus and a puppet theater in transporting the residents to a fictional universe in which the two dolls "Moor" and "Petrouchka," will the love of the ballerina doll.
Here some images of work:
Scenes from the presentation, program pictures and images of the panel being set on the stage of the amphitheater from Curuçá Village.

Scenes from the presentation

Program pictures

Images of the panels made by the coletivo 308, set in the theater of Town Curuçá

4 comentários:
Vocês sabem o que fazem e fazem muito bem!
Obrigado meninas.Você Aline(Miojo) e você, Nini, meu amor
eu vi e vi novamente e amaria ter este espetaculo em dvd pois foi um maximo , um lindo trabalho sem contar que a Hellen e o Daniel" minhas estrelinha" estavam lindos e atuaram muitissimo bem.
E vcs estão de parabéns pelo projeto .
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