Aqui vai a dica da Competição Internacional de Ex-Libris, é só clicar na imagem e cair direto no site dos organizadores para baixar o regulamento. Recebemos hoje e aproveitamos para divulgar.Abraços à todos.Quem tem dúvidas sobre o que é Ex-Libris, consulte aqui:
1 – The competition is open to all artists and the participation is free of charge. Each participant is allowed toFOR EX LIBRIS “PROVINCE OF NOVARA (1859 – 2009)
send in for the competition all works executed in any traditional techniques of the original graphic art
(chalcography, xylography and lithography). Projects executed using other techniques will not be evaluated
in the competition.
2– Ex libris submitted should have the following characteristics:
· To represent the theme of the Competition that is intended for an increase in value of the territory,
the history and the art of the Province of Novara rich in scenic beauty and cultural values.
· Not present indication of other competitions
· To be printed on paper size of mm 210X148 (DIN A5) while the printed area can be any size.
· Please indicate on the reverse side, in pencil: surname, first name, address, date of execution,
dimension of the plate, technique used and title.
· All opus must have the following inscription: EX LIBRIS PROVINCIA DI NOVARA (1859-2009)
3 – Each artist can participate with a maximum of three works, every one of which should be presented in
at least four signed copies. The works of art submitted will become property of Competition Organiser and
will be retained in the ex libris collection of Provincia di Novara, Associazione La Corte dell’Oca, and in the
collection of AIE (Associazione Italiana Ex libris)
4 – Province of Novara has established three prizes to the value of 1.500,00 - 1.000,00 e 500,00 euro
which will be assigned to the first, second and third prize winner
5 - The presented works, once selected by the Jury, will be published in the catalogue and displayed in the
exhibition that will be mounted in a distinguished venue in Novara during spring 2009. In the occasion of the
opening ceremony of the exhibition the winner will be announced and the prizes given.
6 - The Members of the Jury will be representative of Provincia di Novara (The President or his delegate),
La Corte dell’Oca (The President or his delegate) artists and expert collector’s appointed by AIE.
(Associazione Italiana Ex libris)
7 - So as to present the latest achievements in the art of ex libris, artists can also send in the opus
executed from year 2000 to 2008 in any traditional techniques of the original graphic art (chalcography,
xylography and lithography) and not bound to any theme
· Works must indicate on the reverse side, in pencil: surname, first name, address, date of execution,
dimension of the plate, technique used and title.
· The selected works will be published in the catalogue
8 - The cultural club La Corte dell’Oca has established a prize to the value of 500,00 euro which will be
assigned to the best ex libris not for competition
9 - The ex libris must be sent by registered letter by September 30th 2008 to the following address:
Associazione Culturale La Corte Casella postale N. 68 - 28041 Arona (No) Italy
10 – The catalogue will be published with names and address of the artists selected by the Jury.
Artists that will have their opus published, as well as the artists that will participate to the open ceremony will
receive the catalogue free of charge
11 - Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of the above rules.
For further information, please contact
Adele Pastore
2 comentários:
atualizado e bombando!!!
to longe mais to aqui
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