Title 1rst International Art Mail Exhibition of Puerto Rico 2010
Theme Stop Child Abuse Now
Size Postcard only A4 - 5”x 6” (105 x 148 MM) maximum.
Limitations Two artwork by artists
Technique free
Deadline January 30, 2010
Exhibition This is a traveling exhibition around universities and cultural centers of Puerto Rico with conference and Art Mail workshop
Documentation Artworks will be visible on the blog dedicated for this call in http://1rstintlartmailpuertorico.blogspot.com/
Conditions All artworks will be exhibited and no returns. Will be archived in the Collection of Caribbean Center of Art Mail and Visual Poetry
Information http://caribeartecorreo.blogspot.com/
Send Edwin Velázquez / Coordinator / Member IOUMA
Caribbean Center of Art Mail and Visual Poetry
PO Box 8252
San Juan, PR 00910
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