The Argonauts In 1200 B.C., in the end of the Copper Age and the begining of the Iron Age, 52 heroes of the Ancient Greece embarked on “Argo”, the biggest and most famous ship of the ancient times, and traveled from the port of Colhis (ancient Iolkos) to an eastern shore of the Euxine (Black) Sea, knomn nowadays as the city of Tosis (Former Russian Republic of Georgia). The purpose of the journey was to bring back to the King of Colhis, Pelias, and the Golden Fleece, which was guarded by a dragon. Acording to the ancient legend the owner of the Fleece gained immortality. The journey hided extreme danger and surprise for the Argonautes, as they had to confront nature, hostile nations and as well as the range of some of the Gods. In our days, everyone travels on a ship, our own Argo, chasing an utopia, a dream, crossing the Symplegades (Clashing Islands), the difficulties in life. Some may return to Colhis, as others may lost their way and experience only the joy of the effort. What counts is the journey, the struggle and the dream. We invite you to experience this journey together. The revival of the ancient Greek myth is a fact, as on June 2007 a detailed copy of Argo with 52 rowers will embark from the port of Volos (Ancient Iolkos), following the same route with the ancient Argo. The Cultural Club “Xarta of Culture”, supporting the expedition has already produced a great musical play titled “Argonautes”, performed by the internatinaly famous singer Nena Venetsanou, on the music of Giannis Tantsis and the lyrices of Giorgos Tsitroulis. We are inviting you to participate with a painting of your choice and inspiration (a landscape on A4 canvas) to symbolize the sail of the ship, which will be attached to a pre-sketched ship of the same dimensions, or creates something of the fable in paper or cardboard A4 Your paintings will be exposed in the premises of the music halls where the concerts of the “Argonautes” will take place, in different parts of the planet, as a form of “moving expedition”. Forty (40) of those paintings, sellected by the Artistic Committee of “Xarta” will be included in the flyer of the cd “Argonauts” (distributed on 2007 – 2008). Title: Argonauts. Material: painting, drawing artist stamp in cloth or on paper with any media Size: A4 or 9h10cm in cloth All work will be exhibited. No Jury, no returns, no fee. Documentations to all. On line documentation: http://mailart-greece-argo.blogspot.com/ Deadline until 1 June 2007 Exhibition art director & curator Thomai Kontou, painter- mail artist For info: thomaikontou@gmail.com Send your work to: Thomai Kontou Xanthou 9 40200 Elassona Greece Please draw, paint, or stick the flag of your country on the envelope. If you draw the Argo put the flag of your country on her. Please send your work by post not by e-mail. Write your name, address and your e-mail clearly. XARTA: http://www.xarta.gr/ For the support of Exhibition was created an artistic committee from Greeks mail artists: Thomai Kontou, Regas Makropoulos, Ioanna Papachristou, Aristotelis Triantis, Anna Filini, Efi Bizou Chlorokosta, Galatos Stavros, Helen Baziotou, Thomas Liolios, Nikos Delis, Christos Papanikolaou, Charis Xatzina- Tsekoura, Gioula Gathi, Kostas Varnas, Vasilis Prappas, Kostas Evaggelatos, Nikos Kelesis.
O COLETIVO 308 tem como objetivo estimular distintas formas de pensar a Arte, através da produção coletiva e a intervenção nos espaços.
The collective group COLETIVO 308 has like objective to stimulate distinct forms to think about Art, through the
collective production and the intervention in the spaces.
terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2007
sábado, 14 de abril de 2007

Neste projeto, o grupo produz pequenas caixas, semelhantes aos "oratórios" da idade média. Os oratórios medievais eram utilizados para guardar "relíquias". Cada artista do grupo coletivo 308 produz seus oratórios com relíquias que são espalhados e fixados em pontos estratégicos da cidade, prevendo uma possível apropriação das pessoas que transitam por esses espaços. Em cada caixa, um pedaço de cada artista. Imagens, textos, reflexões, verdadeiros "tesouros" para quem tiver a sorte de encontrá-los.
In this project, the group produces small boxes, fellow creatures to the "relicarios/oratories" of the average age. The medieval oratories were used to keep "relics". Each artist of collective group 308 produces its oratories/relicarios with relics that are spread and fixed in strategical points of the city, foreseeing a possible appropriation of the people who transit for these spaces. In each box, a piece of each artist. Images, texts, reflections, true "treasures" who will have the luck to find them.
collective group 308,
urban intervention
sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2007

É um projeto de intervenção nos espaços urbanos buscando o diálogo com o público através da ocupação com cartazes (lambe-lambe). Os cartazes são feitos em diversas técnicas pelos artistas do grupo e fixados em espaços pré-estudados. Mais tarde, retorna-se ao local e registra-se em fotografia e/ou vídeo as alterações sofridas no material fixado. Já ocorreram duas edições e a próxima edição já está sendo organizada.
It is a project of intervention in the urban spaces searching the dialogue with the public through the occupation with posters (lick-it licks). The posters are made in diverse techniques for the artists of the group and settled in daily pay-studied spaces. Later, it is returned the place and is registered in photograph and/or video the alterations suffered in the settled material. Already two editions had occurred and the next edition already is being organized.
Arte postal - Convocatória
Olha aí uma chamada/convocatória que chegou para quem quiser enviar trabalhos!
Mail Art call: Neither servants Nor masters
for CREATIVA 2007: http://www.rignano.org/Creativa%20Sito/index07.htm
The Commune of Rignano on the Arno & “Beyond the limits”
g g g invite you to Mail Art project
No returns
No fees
No giury
Max size A4
Catalogue to all
Theme: Neither servants Nor masters
Deadline: May 30th 2007
All works must be sent to:Comune di Rignano sull'Arno - Piazza della Repubblica, 1o/orFranco Piri Focardi * CRASH - Via XX Settembre, 18
Mail Art call: Neither servants Nor masters
for CREATIVA 2007: http://www.rignano.org/Creativa%20Sito/index07.htm
The Commune of Rignano on the Arno & “Beyond the limits”
g g g invite you to Mail Art project
No returns
No fees
No giury
Max size A4
Catalogue to all
Theme: Neither servants Nor masters
Deadline: May 30th 2007
All works must be sent to:Comune di Rignano sull'Arno - Piazza della Repubblica, 1o/orFranco Piri Focardi * CRASH - Via XX Settembre, 18
O projeto ITINERÁRIO* tem por objetivo fazer o registro da cidade, o cotidiano de seus habitantes e sua relação com os espaços urbanos. Os integrantes do grupo fazem trajetos a pé, registrando o que consideram relevante, valendo-se de diferentes técnicas e linguagens como meio de expressão. O material encontrado por esses trajetos é re-trabalhado no LIVRO DE ARTISTA do grupo COLETIVO 308, que poderá ser temático e/ou dividido em capítulos. Cada artista do grupo interage no trabalho do outro, ampliando a discussão e enriquecendo o "objeto de arte" em questão. O projeto conta com colaborações de cidadãos anônimos que contribuem para a "autoria" coletiva.Para participar de nosso próximo volume, é simples, venha ao nosso encontro com papéis dimensões A4, lápis, giz-de-cera, pastel, enfim, o material que é de seu costume e prepare-se para caminhar muito ! Andamos o dia todo e fazemos o registro por onde passamos. Depois, os desenhos são reunidos e montados em um único livro.Seus desenhos podem entrar nesse volume se você assim desejar !
Nossa próxima saída será:
28/ 11/10/ 9:00h
Domingo - Ateliê 308
Mais informações: coletivo308@yahoo.com.br, eduardosg1971@yahoo.com.br ou agvb@uol.com.br - favor colocar como assunto a palavra itinerário.
*todos os direitos reservados
The ITINERARY project has for objective to make the register of the city, daily of the its inhabitants and its relation with the urban spaces. The integrant ones of the group make passages the foot, registering what they consider excellent, using different techniques and languages as half of expression. The material found for these passages re-is worked in the BOOK OF ARTIST of COLLECTIVE group 308, that it could thematic and/or be divided in chapters. Each artist of the group interacts in the work of the other, extending the quarrel and enriching the "object of art" in question. The project counts on contributions of anonymous citizens and contributing for the "collective authorship".
To participate of our next volume, it is simple, it comes to our meeting with papers A4 dimensions, pencil, chalk-of-wax, crayon, at last, the material that is of its custom and is prepared to walk very! We walk the day all and we make the register for where we pass. Later, the drawings are congregated and mounted in only book.The drawings that you to desire will be enclosed in the volume.
Nossa próxima saída será:
28/ 11/10/ 9:00h
Domingo - Ateliê 308
Mais informações: coletivo308@yahoo.com.br, eduardosg1971@yahoo.com.br ou agvb@uol.com.br - favor colocar como assunto a palavra itinerário.
*todos os direitos reservados
The ITINERARY project has for objective to make the register of the city, daily of the its inhabitants and its relation with the urban spaces. The integrant ones of the group make passages the foot, registering what they consider excellent, using different techniques and languages as half of expression. The material found for these passages re-is worked in the BOOK OF ARTIST of COLLECTIVE group 308, that it could thematic and/or be divided in chapters. Each artist of the group interacts in the work of the other, extending the quarrel and enriching the "object of art" in question. The project counts on contributions of anonymous citizens and contributing for the "collective authorship".
To participate of our next volume, it is simple, it comes to our meeting with papers A4 dimensions, pencil, chalk-of-wax, crayon, at last, the material that is of its custom and is prepared to walk very! We walk the day all and we make the register for where we pass. Later, the drawings are congregated and mounted in only book.The drawings that you to desire will be enclosed in the volume.
.coletivo 308,
quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2007
Cabeçalhos do coletivo 308 - Headers of coletivo 308

Aqui estão postados todos os cabeçalhos (HEADERS) que fazem parte da história do coletivo 308. Você poderá relembrar todos cabeçalhos que são trocados periodicamente por nossa equipe.
Here they are fixed the Headers that is part of the history of collective the 308. You can follow heading that are changed periodically by our team!

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